Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tanglewood in the classroom at Chemung Elementary School!

Ian McLaughlin introduces new concepts and reinforces lessons already learned to Cynthia Sindoni's attentive students at Chemung Elementary School in the Waverly School District

Students learn that all parts of the food web are connected.

Students "become" various parts of the food web - producers, herbivores, omnivores or carnivores - and discover that damage to one part of the food web has consequences for all organisms in other parts of the food web.  

Cynthia Sindoni takes photographs during Ian's presentation
Box Turtle

Yellow Spotted Salamander

Richardson's Ground Squirrel

Broad tailed hawk
The students are enthralled with "Icarus" as they learn,  not only natural science,  but Greek mythology as well!

Students write in their CRSP journals which they will keep all year

The principal, Mr. Mastrantuono visits the classroom as Sharon Bella assists the teacher

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